Our main office number is 314 552 6000 and our fax number is 314 552 7000.

For complete addresses and directions visit our Offices page.

To locate a specific attorney, see our Attorney Directory.

To pay your invoice online, visit our Payment Portal.

Send trademark registrations, renewals, and other intellectual property communications to ipdocket@thompsoncoburn.com.

Send media inquiries to lwegman@thompsoncoburn.com.

Send general email inquiries to info@thompsoncoburn.com or use the form below.

Although we look forward to hearing from you, we cannot represent you until we know that doing so will not create a conflict of interest. Also, we cannot treat unsolicited information as confidential. Please do not send us any information about any matter that may involve you until you receive a written statement from us confirming that we represent you (an “engagement letter”).

The best way to initiate a possible representation is to call an attorney, who will take your matter through a conflict of interest procedure. Then you can consider engaging him or her as your lawyer, or engage with the lawyer best suited to handle your matter. When you receive an engagement letter confirming that you are our client, you may then freely exchange information with us.

By contacting us, you are acknowledging that you understand and accept the foregoing statement and wish to proceed. You should also review our Privacy Policy before emailing Thompson Coburn LLP.