Adrian Mehdirad represents businesses from an array of industries in litigation matters. He is versatile, with experience in multiple industries such as manufacturing, health care, and financial services.
Adrian is known for drafting and arguing substantive motions, briefs and memoranda and has provided valuable assistance on appellate matters. He also contributes to defense teams through his work on document review and researching legal issues to support trial strategy.
In addition to his regular case load, Adrian provides pro bono assistance to litigants in landlord-tenant cases through the firm’s partnership with Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. During law school, he worked as a judicial extern for Judge James M. Dowd with the Missouri Court of Appeals Eastern District.
- Academic Excellence Award
- Civil Procedure II, Contracts II, and Torts
I enjoy powerlifting at the gym and pushing personal records with each session, with a desire to compete at powerlifting competitions. I also enjoy cheering on the St. Louis Blues and collecting hockey jerseys.