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Midterm 2018 postgame: What the outcome means for higher ed

Ken Salomon Christopher Murray November 8, 2018
Broom cleaning up party confetti

In the wake of the 2018 midterm elections, we expect considerable changes in both parties in leadership, committee assignments, and legislative priorities. As Congress embarks on the next chapter of an already divisive era in American politics, how will key issues for the higher education community come into play? READ MORE

Arbitration provisions in enrollment agreements appear to be safe in light of Supreme Court ruling

Jeff Fink June 7, 2018
arbitration agreement with gavel and pen poised to sign it

A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the enforcement of arbitration agreements in employment contracts likely extends the same benefit to institutions of higher education on an issue of key importance in recent years: The ability of schools to include arbitration provisions in their enrollment agreements. READ MORE

Getting ready for ED’s new state authorization rule

Katie Wendel Aaron Lacey April 10, 2018

The U.S. Department of Education’s new “state authorization” rule is set to become effective this coming July 1, 2018. Though there is still some possibility that the current administration will act to delay the rule, for now, institutions of higher education must prepare to comply. READ MORE

The rising sun of HEA reauthorization

Ken Salomon Christopher Murray November 16, 2017
Senators Murray and Alexander of the Senate HELP Committee

Behind the scenes in Washington, congressional staff have been hard at work on the next iteration of the Higher Education Act, which governs a huge range of federal higher education policy. So what should you expect to happen? READ MORE

Clarifying the status of Gainful Employment and Borrower Defense to Repayment

Aaron Lacey June 20, 2017

Last Friday, the Department of Education published two separate notices in the Federal Register impacting two significant and controversial rules: Gainful Employment and Borrower Defense to Repayment. Here we provide some clarifying information on these announcements in a Q&A format. READ MORE