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Free Title IX compliance checklist for institutions of higher education

Aaron Lacey Scott Goldschmidt August 12, 2020
TitleIX Training Web

To assist institutions in their efforts to comply with the new Title IX requirements, Thompson Coburn’s Higher Education Practice has created a free compliance checklist, which is available for download here. This self-audit tool is designed to assist institutions as they review their policies for compliance with the new rule’s most significant requirements. READ MORE

Thompson Coburn releases free Title IX training series for institutions of Higher Education

TitleIX Training Web

Thompson Coburn’s Higher Education Practice has created a free, online lecture series that provides foundational training for those individuals who will be administering the new Title IX process this fall, including Title IX coordinators, investigators, advisors, hearing officers, and appeal officers. READ MORE

USED's proposed Title IX rules: Complimentary webinar now available on-demand

Aaron Lacey December 12, 2018
College campus archway

On November 29, Aaron Lacey presented a webinar examining the U.S. Department of Education’s proposed Title IX rules in significant detail. These proposed rules, if implemented, will constitute the first significant revision of the Department’s Title IX regulations in over 40 years. READ MORE

Six years after Penn State, has college athletics really reformed its crisis response?

football coach watching players

Has higher education transformed its response to — and preparation for — campus athletic scandals? While there certainly is evidence of institutions working to improve reporting and control systems, it appears that many have yet to fully absorb and act upon the lessons of Penn State. READ MORE

Title IX and due process: ED tells Wesley that accused student not treated fairly

Aaron Lacey November 2, 2016
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In a rare move, the Department of Education announced on October 12, 2016, its determination that Wesley College in Delaware had violated Title IX by failing to provide appropriate procedural protections to a student accused of sexual misconduct. READ MORE

A look at the legal issues in the transgender bathrooms debate

all gender bathroom sign

While athletics, record maintenance, field trips, and other such concerns continue to be part of the broader discussion about Title IX and transgender individuals on campus, it is undeniable that one issue has taken center stage: bathrooms. With this in mind, we offer in this post an overview of the legal issues underlying the public debate. READ MORE

Department of Education’s best practices for transgender students deserve careful attention

Aaron Lacey May 16, 2016

In recent months, the treatment of transgender individuals on campus has come to a head, driven in large part by the stand-off between North Carolina and the federal government over the State’s recent law banning transgender individuals from using restrooms in state facilities based on their gender identity. READ MORE

Caitlyn on the track: Athletics, Title IX, and the transgender community


At the heart of the Department’s position is the principle that a postsecondary institution should, in all respects, treat a transgender student or employee consistent with his or her gender identity, as articulated by the transgender individual. READ MORE

Caitlyn on campus: Title IX and the transgender community

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As is always the case when developing new policies based on emerging law and guidance (a common occurrence in contemporary higher education), questions remain regarding the practical application of such guidance, and how it should be implemented when in conflict with guidance issued by other organizations. READ MORE

New Department of Education guidance for Title IX coordinators deserves a look

Aaron Lacey May 6, 2015

The new guidance advises institutions on the independence of the Title IX coordinator position, the allocation of adequate resources and training to Title IX compliance staff, and the core functions of the coordinator role. READ MORE

Tips for gathering Clery statistics for this year’s report

Aaron Lacey August 13, 2014
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Managing compliance with Title IX and the Jean Clery Act has been on many an administrator’s mind of late. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has, through administrative action and announcement, issued volumes of new guidance that to many in the regulated community appear to incorporate extensive new requirements. READ MORE

Welcome to REGucation

Aaron Lacey August 10, 2014
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Welcome to REGucation, the higher education blog that strives, through practical advice and insight, to help the higher education community manage a fast-changing and increasingly complex regulatory environment. READ MORE