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Free Title IX compliance checklist for institutions of higher education

Aaron Lacey Scott Goldschmidt August 12, 2020
TitleIX Training Web

To assist institutions in their efforts to comply with the new Title IX requirements, Thompson Coburn’s Higher Education Practice has created a free compliance checklist, which is available for download here. This self-audit tool is designed to assist institutions as they review their policies for compliance with the new rule’s most significant requirements. READ MORE

Thompson Coburn releases free Title IX training series for institutions of Higher Education

TitleIX Training Web

Thompson Coburn’s Higher Education Practice has created a free, online lecture series that provides foundational training for those individuals who will be administering the new Title IX process this fall, including Title IX coordinators, investigators, advisors, hearing officers, and appeal officers. READ MORE

The CARES Act: More options for higher education

U.S. capitol dome

This is a brief overview of provisions of the CARES Act that, while not designed specifically for higher education, are nonetheless relevant to institutions in their roles as businesses and employers, and which may provide opportunities for economic relief. READ MORE

The CARES Act: Summary of provisions impacting higher education institutions and borrowers

Capitol at night

In this article, we provide a brief overview of the provisions of the CARES Act that most directly concern institutions of higher education and their borrowers. In some cases, the statutory language contemplates extraordinary waivers, assistance, and accommodations, with very little detail regarding when and how such relief will become available. READ MORE

Higher education should pay attention to the CCPA

Aaron Lacey Luke Sosnicki December 16, 2019
College campus at night

The CCPA takes effect in less than a month. It will be the strictest privacy law in the country, and may be a model for other states as well. If they haven’t already, educational institutions—including both for-profit and non-profit schools—should take immediate steps to familiarize themselves with the statute and develop a plan to comply. READ MORE

Colleges should prepare: ED loan discharge letters on the way

Aaron Lacey December 2, 2019

The U.S. Department of Education released two significant announcements before the holiday. The first of the two electronic announcements is titled “Implementation of School Notice Requirements Under the 2016 Borrower Defense Regulations.” The second is titled “Liabilities Associated with Closed School Discharges.” READ MORE

USED's proposed Title IX rules: Complimentary webinar now available on-demand

Aaron Lacey December 12, 2018
College campus archway

On November 29, Aaron Lacey presented a webinar examining the U.S. Department of Education’s proposed Title IX rules in significant detail. These proposed rules, if implemented, will constitute the first significant revision of the Department’s Title IX regulations in over 40 years. READ MORE

DACA: Next steps for institutions of higher education

Aaron Lacey September 13, 2017

Because many students at institutions of higher education are DACA beneficiaries, it is important for schools to give deliberate thought to how they will work with this group. READ MORE

Proposed Borrower Defense Rule webinar recordings now available

Aaron Lacey October 10, 2016
unraveling borrower defense rule

Over the past two months, Thompson Coburn’s Higher Education Practice presented a four-part webinar series examining the U.S. Department of Education’s proposed borrow defense rule. If you missed a session, would like to view a session a second time, or would like to share the information with other members of your team, the recordings are now available free and on demand. READ MORE

Rethinking the regulation of competency-based education

Aaron Lacey May 18, 2015
REGucation_default blog

Despite the considerable potential associated with these innovative offerings, competency-based education programs face “regulatory barriers that not only fail to encourage competency-based learning but in fact impede its progress.” READ MORE

Why colleges in bankruptcy should have access to federal financial aid

Aaron Lacey October 7, 2014

Congress enacted a package of integrity provisions designed to eliminate fly-by-night institutions from the programs, lower loan default rates, and address certain other areas of abuse. READ MORE

Welcome to REGucation

Aaron Lacey August 10, 2014
REGucation_default blog

Welcome to REGucation, the higher education blog that strives, through practical advice and insight, to help the higher education community manage a fast-changing and increasingly complex regulatory environment. READ MORE