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Chris Hohn Featured in Missouri Lawyers Media’s “Legal Limelight”

October 14, 2024

Chris Hohn, recently appointed chair of Thompson Coburn, was profiled in the October edition of the “Legal Limelight” feature from Missouri Lawyers Media. He discussed the firm's growth plans, his significant work on litigation related to genetically modified crops and its influence on Missouri agriculture, and his favorite things to do outside of work.

On plans for growth at the firm, Chris said, “I’m looking at growth from an all-encompassing perspective that goes beyond adding head count and offices. Although we do have those goals in terms of geographic and size growth, we also want to expand our efforts in areas like professional development and leadership training, making sure we’re investing in our people — both to enhance their careers and better serve our clients.”

Chris also emphasized the importance of growing in client relationships and in diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. “We recently launched a client feedback program that asked how likely our clients would be to recommend us and our resulting net promoter score of 85 (much higher than the industry average) was very encouraging in our continued efforts to enhance client experience,” he said.

On his work in the agriculture space, Chris discussed his history of litigation experience as well as the firm's partnership with the farmer-run organizations Missouri Soybean Association and Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council. “One of the most rewarding things we’ve done is to help Missouri soybean farmers reacquire their intellectual property rights relating to advanced seed technology and then work with them to help commercialize that technology for the betterment of Missouri soybean farmers.”

Click here to read the full profile.